What sort of packaging do I need?

This depends on your specific packaging requirements, our experienced team will endeavour to understand these in detail in order to provide you with a tailored solution that is fit for purpose and brings down your costs while increasing efficiency.

Is your packaging eco-friendly?

Very much so. Our Green-Lite strategy is designed to deliver packaging solutions that minimise environmental impact. We only use FSC accredited paper mills, providing enhanced performance from the minimum use of materials. Reduced material consumption ensures that we supply fit for purpose packaging without wastage, we support the global aim of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.”

How can I cut costs on packaging?

The first step towards achieving this is to undertake our offer of a free packaging review with one of our experts to ensure your packaging specifications meet your requirements while also reducing your costs. We always use the highest performance flute profiles to eliminate over-packaging as well as advising on a stock control system to help your business operate in a efficient and cost-effective way.

Are you accredited?

We are certified to The British Retail Consortium (BRC) Global Standard. All of our products are manufactured to the strict BRC Global Standard to guarantee we meet the standards demanded in quality, safety and operational criteria. It also ensures that every stage of our supply chain, our products and our procedures meet legal obligations and protect our customers.

How do I ensure products are safe in transit?

All of the packaging we supply is designed to protect products while they are in transit as well as in storage. Whether you are transporting food, electronics or fragile products such as glass, our packaging is up to the job of keeping them safe.

Is your packaging customisable?

All of our packaging can be customised in terms of its shape, form, functionality and aesthetics. We design packaging solutions to meet your company's exact requirements to ensure optimum performance.

Can my logo and other graphics be printed on packaging?

Yes. We can print whatever logo, design or pattern you desire onto your packaging. Our team of experts can also assist you in the design process if you're not quite sure what you want, or how you would like your packaging to look.

Do you offer food packaging?

Yes. We offer food packaging and drink packaging that protects your products whilst ensuring the packaging aesthetics sell the product contained within. We ensure our packaging meets the highest hygiene standards to protect the integrity of your product whilst in transit and in storage.